00010 REM &REM&                                                               
00020 PRINT 'CS'                                                              
00030 INPUT @(0,5),"ENTER #FORMAT- ",FMT$! Enter format name include #        
00040 IF FMT$(1,1)<>"#" GOTO 30        ! If 1st char not # renenter           
00050 FORMAT INCLUDE #FMT$,OPT="NONE",ERR=200 ! Include format, if not, quit  
00060 ELEMS=NUM(ATR(FMT$,0,0))         ! Get number of datanames in format    
00070 KL=0                             ! Set Key length to 0                  
00080 FOR E=1 TO ELEMS                 ! Loop thru format datanames           
00090 IF ATR(FMT$,E,17)="1"            ! If dataname a key                    
         KL=KL+NUM(ATR(FMT$,E,1))      ! Add length to key length             
00100 NEXT E                                                                  
00110 PRINT "KEY LENGTH=",KL           ! Print key length                     
00120 GOTO 999                                                                
00200 PRINT "Error ",ERR," occured                                            
      while including format ",FMT$