! Problem: How do I turn a program into an INDEXED file (or LIST it out
! to a TEXT or ASCII file) from within a program?
! Solution: Use a Ghost Task
10 REM "PJEXPORT -- Use a Ghost Task to turn a program into an INDEXED FILE
15 START 1,"G0" ! Start up a ghost task
20 OPEN(1) "G0" ! Open a channel to it
25 GOSUB 07000 ! Get response from ghost
30 PRINT(1)"LOAD"+QUO+"ID"+QUO, ! Load a program into the ghost
35 GOSUB 07000 ! Get response from ghost
40 PRINT(1)"OPEN(1)"+QUO+ ! Open a predefined INDEXED file to a
"ID.IND"+QUO ! channel in the ghost
45 GOSUB 7000 ! Get response from ghost
50 PRINT(1)"LIST(1)", ! List the program to the file
55 GOSUB 7000 ! Get response from ghost
60 PRINT(1)"END", ! Close the ghost task channel
70 CLOSE(1) ! Close the ghost task
80 RELEASE "G0" ! Release the ghost task
90 END ! The end.
7020 INPUT(1,ERR=7021) A$; ! INPUT from the ghost until we hit an
GOTO 7020 ! error, discard the input
7030 RETURN ! Go back
! This can also be used to automated the process of turning a list of
! programs into INDEXED files by adding the apporpriate code. Use a SORT
! file containg the list of programs. The inverse is possible with the
! MERGE and SAVE commands sent to the ghost reconstitute programs out
! of INDEXED files.
! It is very inportant that QUO is used for quotes sent to the ghost.
! Make sure all possible responses from the ghost are caught with INPUT
! or an ERROR 13 could result. PRINT the contents of A$ to monitor the
! progress.