TS XML DataServerTS XML DataServer
TS XML DataServer gives you the ability to share and expose your Thoroughbred® data with remote servers and third party tools using XML. By using simple SQL style syntax you can access data from any Dictionary-IV defined database and return the results in XML format. The XML formatted data can be rendered as HTML in a browser or shared with other third party tools. TS XML DataServer is tightly coupled with Dictionary-IV Data definitions, and is supported by Thoroughbred's development tools including: Thoroughbred Environment and OPENworkshop®. Click here to see the Solution-IV Analytics Demo created using TS XML DataServer. XML Request
The process starts with a request to the XML DataServer. The TS XML DataServer supports READ XSchema, READ link, UPDATE link, DELETE link, INSERT link and XML Methods. http://www./aaa/.com/xml.tbred?xmlrequest=READ+OEFSCM02Where aaa is the domain name and The XSchema Definition
XSchema is a new Dictionary-IV definition type used to define complex relational data mapping across multiple Links. The XSchema identifies all the Links, data elements, the relationships, and all the necessary logic to build a data set in XML format. OELCUST USING KEY "100100"; DATANAME LIST CUST-CODE CUST-NAME CUST-STATE CUST-CITY CUST-PHONE SR-CODE OELSLRP USING #OEFCUST.SR-CODE; DATANAME LIST SR-NAME OELINVH USING #OEFCUST.CUST-CODE; BY SORT 1; DATANAME LIST INV-NUM INV-DATE INV-PRINTED-FLAG INV-AMOUNT; SELECT WHEN #OEFINVH.INV-NUM = "000001" OELINVD USING #OEFINVH.INV-NUM; DATANAME LIST INV-LNUM INV-QTY ITEM-CODE INV-LPRICE INV-LEXTEN INV-DISC INV-LTAX INV-DESC OELINVN USING #OEFINVD.ITEM-CODE; DATANAME LIST ITEM-DESC Return XML StringThe TS XML DataServer processes the XML request, accesses the data and generates a XML string that is similar to that below, which can then be rendered or processed by various XML Tools. A Simple Rendering of the XML String
The information requested by this code can display as a similar presentation in your browser. Architecture
The TS XML server process manages all communication on the server. Requests are received as URL encoded HTTP query strings. The request is passed to the TS XML DataServer engine for parsing and processing. Using the Dictionary-IV Format, Link and XSchema definitions the data collection is built and formatted as an XML string. The XML string is passed back to the server process where it is written back to the HTTP/HTTPS requestor. DemosClick on the following link to return the data structure defined by XSchema OEFSCM02 in XML format. If you are using Mozilla or Firefox be sure to select the option to "View Page Source." http://tweb.tbred.com/xml.tbred?xmlrequest=READ+OEFSCM02Click on the following link to return data from Link OELCUST for Customer Code 100101 in XML format. If you are using Mozilla or Firefox be sure to select the option to "View Page Source." http://tweb.tbred.com/xml.tbred?xmlrequest=READ+OELCUST+USING+KEY+100101Click on the following link to see the Solution-IV Analytics Demo created using TS XML DataServer. Solution-IV Analytics Demo |