


TbredComm: Remote Host Connections

WorkStation Mgr

Desktop Application Menus

Graphical Mode

Graphical Screens

Graphical Screen Designer

International Applications

TS ReportServer

Graphical Screen Converter


Graphical Screen Designer

| General| Special Screen Codes | Align | Options | Snap to Grid | Misc Tips | Templates | Command Buttons |

The Graphical Screen Designer (VIP4GSE.exe) is a stand alone executable that allows you edit VIP 4.01 graphical screens. This module can be executed using the Screens option on the Workstation Manager. This can be used to edit both default screens and screen templates.

At this time there is no way to create a new template definition. The work around is to make a copy of the default template distributed with the VIP 4.01. After you have installed VIP 4.01 this template, TEMPLATE-EN.frm can be found in ..\Tsi\ObjectCache\Screenst. When loading and saving a template definition in the editor use the File option on the menu bar, select the appropriate option to either open or save a template definition.

Special Screen Codes

Since the Graphic Screen Editor does not communicate with the host, it is not possible to display the current values for special screen codes, i.e. /D, /I etc. A solution has been implemented displaying more descriptive text for the screen codes. This text is maintained in the workstation message file. See the International Applications page for details on editing the message file.

Align Multiple Selections Vertical / Horizontal

Since the grid may no longer be a useful tool for aligning objects, a new feature has been added. When making multiple selections (Misc Tips), clicking on the Align Horizontal Button on the Editor Menu Bar, will force all the selected controls to have the same Top property. Clicking on the Align Vertical Button will force all the selected controls to have the same Left property. This should allow you to properly align the controls on the screen with the Snap To Grid disabled. In both cases, the new location is based on the first control selected in the set.

Misc Tips

  • Multiple controls can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on controls.
  • Pressing the 'Shift Down, jump to Font' button on the editor toolbar will enable the text font properties short cut. When enabled, a mouse click will automatically display the font properties dialog box. Press this button again to disable the short cut.
  • Disabling the Snap to Grid feature may make editing graphical screens easier. Remember, in VIP 4.01 the alignment and placement of controls is based on the character screen definition, not a grid. As a result the grid my not reflect the current arrangement of   the controls on the screen.
  • Templates can be selected and applied by setting the options in the Template Tab or from the editor menu bar. From the designer menu bar, when you click the template button, the active template will be applied to the current screen definition. The template button tool tips will display the active template name. If a template had been previously applied to the screen definition, all controls that were created by that template application will be destroyed prior to applying the new template. Note that screen text, input fields and formulas are left in tact but will have the properties defined in the new template applied to them.

Options Tab Dialog

The Graphic Screen Options Tab allows you to set various preferences and options for the editor. From the Graphic Screen menu bar select Edit then select Options. The Options dialog contains three tabs.

Snap controls to gridThis option allows you to disable the Snap To Grid feature.

Show grid: This option is only available if the snap to grid option is disabled.

Save ToolBox location: The Object ToolBox will be open at the location where it was last closed.

Save Grid ToolBox location: See above.

Save Properties List location: See above.


  • Templates Tab

    The Template tab dialog allows you to set the following options and selections. (See also Misc Tips).

    Default Template: This drop down list box allows you to select a template that can be applied to screen definitions in the screen designer. This enables you to specify a different template from the one specified in the WorkStation Manager.

    Use default template in the WorkStation Manager: When selected, the editor will use the default template that has been specified in the WorkStation Manager.

    Auto apply template to all screens: When enabled, the default template will be applied to all screens when they are loaded in the editor. If this is not enabled, a template will only be applied when the apply template button is pressed.

    Do not size header panel to data panel: Controls how the header panel is sized. By default, the header panel width will be based on the data panel width.

    Do not size footer panel to data panel: See above.

  • The dialog allows you define the default properties to be used when creating new command button controls. The following is an excerpt from an internal document describing this feature.

    CommandButton Default Properties

    It is possible to set default properties to be applied to a CommandButton when it is first created. These default properties are maintained in the tbred.ini file. No validation of these properties is done, the graphic screen editor assumes that the properties specified in the tbred.ini file are valid. If an entry does not have a value, it is simply ignored. You can specify any or none of the default properties. The following is an example entry along with some additional notes in italics.



    This entry allows you to specify the background color of the CommandButton. This must be hex notation. The default background color is the system default color in the user’s preferences specified in the Control Panel settings. Note that the foreground color (text) is not a valid property for VB CommandButtons, the system default specified in the Control Panel settings is always used. I have provided the values for some standard colors at the end of this document.

    cmdbuttcaption=my button

    This entry allows you to specify the button caption.


    This entry allows you to specify the button height.


    This entry allows you to specify the button width.


    This entry allows you to specify the image (picture property). The image file must be located in your <install_path>/Tis/Image directory.


    This entry allows you to specify the font name for the caption.


    This entry allows you to specify the font size for the caption.


    This entry allows you to specify the font bold property, T (true) for bold, F(false) for regular.


    This entry allows you to specify the font italic property, T(true) for italic, F(false) for regular.


    This entry allows you to specify the Host Return Values. These must be entered exactly as you would from within the graphic screen editor. At this time, only Host Return Values are supported.

    The following table contains valid values for the Background property.

    White Light Gray Gray Dark Gray Darkest Gray Black
    00FFFFFF 00E0E0E0 00C0C0C0 00808080 00404040 00000000
    Pink Red
    00C0C0FF 008080FF 000000FF 000000C0 00000080
    Light Yellow Yellow
    00C0FFFF 0080FFFF 0000FFFF 0000C0C0 00008080
    Light Green Green
    00C0FFC0 0080FF80 0000FF00 0000C000 00008000
    Light Cyan Cyan
    00FFFFC0 00FFFF80 00FFFF00 00C0C000 00808000
    Light Blue Blue
    00FFC0C0 00FF8080 00FF0000 00C00000 00800000